This Course gives an overview of Garden History from the very first gardens to the present day by investigating the range of styles, plants, people and other influences on their development.
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The Garden History Course
We start by discussing the origins of gardening with the Persian and Egyptian civilizations in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. This develops into the Moghul, Turkish, Islamic and the Moorish Gardens in Spain. The Greek, Roman and Romano British Gardens are examined before we investigate the emergence of the Italian Renaissance Garden and its spread into France, Holland and other European countries. Mediaeval Enclosures lead us to the Tudors and the Formal English Gardens of the 17th century.
After a look at the Oriental Gardens of China and Japan as well as American Gardens, we follow the change from the Formal English Gardens to the Landscape Style with reference to such people as Charles Bridgeman, Sir John Vanbrugh, Alexander Pope, Lord Burlington, William Kent, Lord Cobham at Stowe, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and Humphry Repton. This leads to the Ferme Ornée, Rococo, Picturesque, Gardenesque and Regency styles before we look at Victorian and Edwardian Gardens with special reference to the local gardens of Harold Peto. We also discuss the Arts and Crafts movement, Cottage, Urban, Modernist and Contemporary Gardens of the 20thcentury.
Alongside the historic styles the role of the influential patrons, designers, botanists and plant collectors is examined as well as the plants they introduced, cultivated, and used in their designs.
The course tutor and main lecturer is John Horsey who has taught horticulture in the area over the last twenty years at both Cannington and Yeovil Colleges. He has recently completed a Master’s Degree in Garden History with Professor Timothy Mowl at Bristol University and is now delivering private Garden History and Horticulture courses
The Course is aimed at anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge of Garden History
There are no Examinations or Assessments |